
Monday, July 4, 2011

Research Three Tips to Losing Weight

Research Three Tips to Losing Weight

losing weight and keeping it off ,as the quality of our diets plummet and people continue to develop a wide ranging host of weight related diseases .While we have yet to invent the diet super drug that will do all our work for us ,In today's article we're going to take a look at three of these tips and help you figure out how to implement them in your own life.

The first tip is to simply eat more frequently. People who divide their caloric intake over several smaller meals throughout the course of the day have an easier time controlling their appetite. There are a number of reasons for this, and one is that frequent meals prevents your hunger from building up too high, such that you binge when you next eat. Frequently eating also means smaller meals, which over time can help your stomach shrink in size so that you are less able to put away scandalously huge meals, also signaling quicker to your body that you are full.

The next best tip for you to follow is to eat a high amount of lean protein with each meal. Protein has been demonstrated to have the greatest effect on blunting hunger, more so than even carbohydrates and fat. Simultaneously, research has shown that diets high in lean protein also tend to restrict weight gain, and the weight that does tend to be put on will usually be more lean body mass then fat. Try to eat anywhere from 3 to 6 ounces of protein with each meal, with 3 ounces being about the size of a deck of cards.

Finally, just as you should be eating high amounts of lean protein, you should also be consuming moderate amounts of fat. Fat helps blunt long term appetite, and will help make your food appetizing so that it is not such a sacrifice to stick with your diet.


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